FAU Silicon Valley Spring School

Explore the World’s #1 Innovation Hub

The FAU Silicon Valley Spring School offers high-speed learning as well as unique experiences in the global center of digital technology and innovation: a Silicon Valley entrepreneurship deep dive for leaders and learners!

Together, you will boost your entrepreneurial skills, gain and develop new business ideas, as well as deepen your knowledge about innovation and digitization. High-tier lectures and case study sessions with leading entrepreneurs, business representatives and academic stars as well as exclusive networking events are part of the program, just like visiting exciting companies such as Google, Tesla, Facebook and some of the hidden unicorns of tomorrow.

Our program invites you to become part of an exciting group of industry innovators, entrepreneurial academics and outstanding students – a combination of passion, knowledge and experience enhancing the outcome of your journey to a whole new level!

The FAU Silicon Valley Spring School is a 9-day program with a build-in focus track of 5 days (paired with exclusive after-journey implementation-workshops) for the most busy people among us. So you can choose the timeline that fits your schedule best to enhance your analytical skills,  intercultural competence and creative thinking in a once-in-a-lifetime experience with future digital change makers!


It’s Not Only a Book – It’s A Mission

From the last two Silicon Valley School series, an outstanding collection of unique insights into Silicon Valley has emerged. The anthology „One plus one equals eleven“ captures the Silicon Valley spirit in 20 interesting short stories. Within 4 chapters, well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneurs talk about their perspective on the Eco-System, the tools for startup formation, mega growths & mega markets as well as entrepreneurial success stories. Let yourself be inspired! Learn more about the book and how to get it here: https://www.oneandoneeleven.com/



Testimonials – FAU Silicon Valley Spring School March 2019

  • Prof. Dr. Holger Hackstein

    The time in Silicon Valley was an eye-opener for new ideas, concepts and interdisciplinary start-up projects. I was thrilled by the straightforwardness and innovation culture.
  • Prof. Dr. Dominique Schröder

    Herr Professor Schröder, Sie sind Lehrstuhlinhaber für Angewandte Kryptographie und waren Teilnehmer der ersten „FAU Silicon Valley School“. Wie haben Sie davon profitiert?
  • Sophie Nehrig

    When I started my studies at FAU, I couldn’t dream of going to Silicon Valley sometime. As a future entrepreneur, I couldn’t miss Silicon Valley Spring School. This is the…
  • Prof. Dr. Siegfried Balleis

    I made my decision to attend FAU’s Silicon Valley Spring School within a few hours! I have never regretted this decision – on the contrary: These ten days have been…
  • Dr. rer. nat. Thilo Bauer

    I wouldn’t have expected such an outstanding program! Within these ten days, I got to places I have always wanted to be and met people I never thought I would…
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Program Details

About The Partner Institutes

Silicon Valley Fall School 2019 – Report


Program Partner