Take the lead in digital transformation
In a world that is increasingly data-driven, innovation has accelerated and competition has toughened. Therefore, the needs for senior managers and executives to innovate, update and be one step ahead of the rest are enormous. And when it comes to novel technologies such as Internet of Things, data analytics, and blockchain, leading digital transformation requires not only an understanding of technologies driving the change, but also the ability to lead the organizational transformation. A robust business model that leverages the technology is thus the key to digital transformation and sustained value creation.
Through a six-month period and three weeks of in-class modules, the executive certificate program Leading Digital Transformation (LDT) has been tailored to the needs of the business leaders and decision makers in the digital age. It aims to provide them with a framework to analyze and develop an innovative blueprint for their companies to embrace the wave of digital transformation. Case studies, industry visits and interviews with business leaders who implementing digital transformation are keys elements of the curriculum. Hands-on workshops are also a staple of the program, such as a business modeling workshop at the headquarters of BMW with a team of their experts.
Pascal Ruhland, Batch 2019
Head of Divisional Controlling Corporate Clients and Managing Director at Commerzbank AG „The program translates knowledge and skills in order to easily manage digital transformation as a manager. The high skilled as well as experienced cohort is especially noteworthy as it provides the biggest value in terms of how other companies in different industries tackle today’s challenges. If you seek inspiration on how to push your digital transformation to the next level, I can definitely recommend the program!“ |
The Leading Digital Transformation course sessions have been carefully conceived and developed by three excellent and notorious institutions: Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), top three most innovative university in Germany, in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS) and the Indian Institute of Management of Bangalore (IIMB) the best business school in central Asia. Together, these institutions have contributed with their best knowledge, experiences and networks to support organisations take the lead in digital transformation. Moreover, thanks to this trilateral cooperation, the programme offers a terrific platform for networking and for exploring mutual cultures and markets.
After a successful completion of the three modules, the participants will be awarded a joint certificate.
Cooperating Partners
Nina Lugmair
Programme Coordinator
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Chair of Information Systems, Innovation & Value Creation
Room 4.252, Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nuremberg
Email: nina.lugmair@fau.de
Tel: +49 911 5302-156